Nariman Point PF Office Address/Phone Number/Email

Nariman Point PF Office is located at Bandra and establishments in and around Nariman Point comes under the jurisdiction of this office.(The office is open on all days except on Saturday/Sunday and timings are from 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM). The same office also has PF Offices for Bandra, Powai and Dadar Jurisdictions.

EPFO Regional Office
341, Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan, Bandra (East),
Mumbai – 400 051.

EPF office contactPhone Number
Enquiry022 – 26475910
Nariman Point PF Whatsapp 9518588021
Public Relations022 – 26475915
Others022 – 26475912

Map of Nariman Point EPF Office

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